Somehow I managed to pull together enough daemonworld terrain to create a table for my club's tournament yesterday. It proved an adventure, though.
I fiddled for the better part of two weeks painting the "showpiece" terrain elements ... and meanwhile dithering about how to base them ... and meanwhile procrastinating.....
Finally, with the tournament looming on Saturday, I cut out and beveled the bases on Friday morning:

My original plan for these was to texture some caulk to create some kind of bubbling landscape effect -- something that would look chaotic and profoundly unstable but that people would be able to put models on easily. But then, of course, it rained on Thursday and really rained on Friday. I bought some quick-drying caulk, hoping it would firm up despite the humid atmosphere, and slathered some on a trial piece. After six hours it was still soggy.
So on Friday midday I switched to plan B, applying a coat of PVC to my terrain bases and sprinkling kitty litter on top. But by this point it was pouring rain outside, so even that hadn't dried by 6:00 p.m. My younger daughter was in a play which I had to go to Friday night. At this point I realized I had to prime them early Saturday and see what I could do in the four hours or so I'd have before the tournament started.
When I got back from my daughter's play, I painted until about 1:00 am that night.
This effort brought things close to a presentable state -- though by no means finished:

Thankfully, Saturday turned out to be a clear, dry, beautiful day. So I woke up at 6:00 am and primed the bases:


Then I hurriedly applied a few coats of painting and dry-brushing, slapped things together and packed them in time to drive at 10:30 to the tournament.
The results were fair, I think. The table looked kind of sloppy, but it did create a certain atmospheric setting. Here are some pictures I took of one of the games played -- pitting Ragnar's Fallen army against Todd's Ultramarines:

Kind of cool, I think:

I do plan to spend some time over the next few months polishing the painting.
And meanwhile architecting weirder elements. I'd love to work up stuff unbound by the laws of Newtonian physics....