Thursday, February 10, 2011

Starting a new Nurgle Prince

I'm starting yet another daemon prince conversion. Based, once again, on an IG sentinel.

I can't help myself!

Seriously, though, the model that I use for my Nurgle-marked daemon prince, this one...
Chaos Daemons, Conversion, Daemon Prince, Sentinel, Warhammer 40,000, Work In Progress
(since re-painted in more Nurgly colors).

Well, I've never liked it as much as the others. Too top-heavy, too cluttered, too spindly in the legs. It was my first piece for this army, it spawned a lot of ideas and making it taught me a lot, but I think I can do better now that I've had more practice.


Chaos Daemons, Conversion, Daemon Prince, Daemons, Nurgle

I started with Sentinel legs, pinning them to the base, since in my experience, that is where they tend to break -- and since I've clipped off a lot of the Sentinel feet.

Chaos Daemons, Conversion, Daemon Prince, Daemons, Nurgle

Then I took a fire-starter to the sentinel cabin, warping it a bit and while the plastic was soft, poking open a mouth-like aperture.

Chaos Daemons, Conversion, Daemon Prince, Daemons, Nurgle

Actually, the "mouth" came out better than I expected, and I was tempted to work it into a proper maw with teeth. But in the end I decided to go with my first idea, which was to put a tusk/horn there (since this will be a Nurgle Prince).

Chaos Daemons, Conversion, Daemon Prince, Daemons, Nurgle

Then I glued the cabin/head onto the legs, giving the beast a cocked, bent pose to suggest that it's goring prey with its horn.

Chaos Daemons, Conversion, Daemon Prince, Daemons, Nurgle

At this point I decided that the horn looked too small...
Chaos Daemons, Conversion, Daemon Prince, Daemons, Nurgle

…so I built it up and textured it with greenstuff.
Chaos Daemons, Conversion, Daemon Prince, Daemons, Nurgle

The texture on the horn turned out a bit rougher than I intended, and I've since cleaned it up a bit -- though I do want it somewhat rough and lined.

Pulling back, I have to say I really like the pose this one is striking:
Chaos Daemons, Conversion, Daemon Prince, Daemons, Nurgle

It feels very "alive" and beast-like, to me at least.

Here's a look at the creature from behind:
Chaos Daemons, Coversion, Daemon Prince, Daemons, Nurgle

Needless to say, there's still a long way to go on the creature -- and a lot more greenstuff to splice/weave/graft in! Never fear, it will become much more monstrous, more noxious as its unholy transformation continues.

Wheee! I love this stuff. Sometimes it's hard to bring myself to follow through on the painting, but I really enjoy this stage of a project!

More to come on this...

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